
Monday, September 16, 2019

What to do if someone has food stuck in their throat

Mon 16 September 2019    

Having food stuck in the throat can be uncomfortable and scary. However, being able to recognize the signs of choking and knowing what to do in an emergency can help save a person's life.

If food gets stuck in the esophagus, it can create an uncomfortable sensation in the throat or chest.

The process of swallowing food involves a number of involuntary muscle movements. Most of the time, these muscle movements prevent food from becoming stuck in the throat.
First, the tongue pushes food to the back of the throat. This is where the openings of the esophagus (food pipe) and windpipe are located. As a person swallows, a flap of cartilage called the epiglottis closes off the windpipe. This temporarily stops breathing and prevents food from entering the airways.
At the same time, a muscle called the upper esophageal sphincter relaxes, allowing food to move into the esophagus.
Sometimes, however, food get can stuck in the esophagus, creating an uncomfortable sensation in the throat or chest. At other times, the epiglottis does not close sufficiently during swallowing, which allows food to enter the airways. This can result in choking.
Both types of blockage can cause pain and discomfort. However, a blockage in the windpipe can be a medical emergency. Keep reading to learn what to do if food becomes stuck in the throat.

How to tell if it is an emergency

When food enters the windpipe, it can partially or completely block the airways.
Sometimes, persistent or forceful coughing can dislodge the food. At other times, a blockage that occurs in the windpipe or voice box can result in choking.
Choking refers to breathing difficulties resulting from acute obstruction of the airways. A person who is choking is unable to inhale or exhale enough air to cough.
The following symptoms may indicate that a person is choking:
  • Silent coughing or gagging
  • Wheezing
  • An inability to speak or breathe
  • A blue tint to the skin called cyanosis
A person who cannot speak, cough, or breathe may require the Heimlich maneuver. This procedure, also known as abdominal thrusts, involves forcefully applying pressure to the abdomen to dislodge a blockage in the windpipe.

The Heimlich maneuver
The Heimlich maneuver is only required in emergency situations. A person should only perform the Heimlich maneuver on someone who is choking.
The procedure is not suitable for children under 1 year of age or women in the late stages of pregnancy. These people may require different variations of the maneuver.
The American College of Emergency Physicians provide some instructions for performing the Heimlich maneuver. Before performing it on someone who is conscious, a person should confirm that the other person is choking by asking, "Are you choking?"
Only proceed with the maneuver if the person nods yes and cannot seem to speak, cough, or breathe for themselves.
To perform the Heimlich maneuver:

    1. Get the person to stand up.
    2. Position yourself behind the person.
    3. Lean the person forward and give five blows to their back with the heel of your hand.
    4. Place your arms around their waist.
    5. Make a fist and place it just above the navel, thumb side in.
    6. Grab the fist with your other hand and push it inward and upward at the same time. Perform five of these abdominal thrusts.
    7. Repeat until the object is expelled and the person can breathe or cough on their own.

If a person who is alone while choking may need to perform the Heimlich maneuver on themselves. If a chair is available, they can lean over the back of the chair while performing the maneuver. This should help dislodge blockages from the airways.

Removing food obstructions

People who have food stuck in the esophagus can try the following tips to help dislodge it:

  •           Swallowing fluids or soft foods: This can help lubricate the food or push it downward.
  •         Taking effervescent tablets: These over-the-counter tablets cause carbon dioxide gas to form, which helps relieve food blockages by pushing them downward.
  •     Drinking carbonated drinks: These may work in a similar way to   effervescent tablets.
  •           Taking simethicone: This drug helps bring gas bubbles together in a larger density. This causes pressure in the esophagus that may help release food blockages.

Causes and risk factors for choking

In 2015, more than 5,000 people died from choking.
Choking can affect people of any age. However, it is more common in children ages 0–3 years and in adults over the age of 60.
Choking is the fourthl eading cause of accidental death.
Choking in children
Choking is the leading cause of infant death and the fourth leading causeof death among preschool children.
Children most commonly choke on food, coins, balloons, and small toys.
Choking in older adults
Older people produce less saliva, which makes it difficult for them to move food to the back of their mouth when swallowing.
Certain conditions that are more common in older age can also increase the risk of choking. Examples include dementia and Parkinson's disease.
Dysphagia and choking
Some people experience dysphagia, which is the medical term for swallowing difficulties. Dysphagia can increase a person's risk of choking.
Certain muscle disorders and nervous system disorders that affect the nerves involved in swallowing can cause dysphagia. Examples of conditions that can cause dysphagia include:
       head injury
       cerebral palsy
       Parkinson's disease
       amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Dysphagia can also develop after sustaining an injury to the esophagus.

When to see a doctor
A person should make an appointment with their doctor if they frequently experience one or more of the following:
  •          difficulty swallowing
  •          food stuck in the windpipe
  •          food blockages in the esophagus

Doctors who treat swallowing disorders use diagnostic tests to examine the different stages of the swallowing process. These tests may include:
  •        Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing: This technique uses an endoscope to view the swallowing mechanisms inside the mouth and throat. Doctors examine how the mechanisms respond to different stimuli, such as food, liquids, and puffs of air.
  •         Video fluoroscopic swallow study: This uses real time X-rays of a person as they are swallowing. This helps doctors identify issues at different stages of the swallowing process.

Based on the results of these diagnostic tests, a doctor may recommend certain strategies to improve safety when swallowing. Some examples include:
  •          making changes to the size and texture of food
  •          making changes to head and neck position when eating
  •          trying behavioral maneuvers when swallowing, such as tucking in the chin
  •          trying medical or surgical interventions

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