
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Learning the Parkinson's Disease Lingo

Learning the Parkinson's Disease Lingo

By:Bev Ribaudo  also known as YumaBev

It won't be easy and the words are hard to pronounce, but you will be a better Parkinson's Disease patient if you learn the medical lingo, so here is a primer.  I will try my best to make it fun and add some humor.

ON - when the medicine IS working and your symptoms are better

OFF - when the medicine is NOT working or has worn off 

TREMORS - those shaking body parts 

RIGIDITY - when you feel like you are in a body cast

DYSTONIA (dis TOE nee uh) - those severe cramps you get 

BRADYKINESIA -(BRADY ki NEE zee uh) like you are in slow motion

DYSKINESIA - (dis ki NEE zee uh) those rhythmic movements (like Michael J Fox) that are a side effect of the dopamine meds

POSTURAL INSTABILITY - when you are stooped over or can't maintain your balance (help, I've fallen and I can't get up)

MASKING - when your face no longer shows emotion

Don't worry about not pronouncing them correctly, just do the best you can.  I'll write a song about them, like the song from Mary Poppins:  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious  Once we sang along with her, everyone could pronounce it! 

Song written.  Here it is, words go along with the song, so sing along with me and we'll be Learning the Parkie Lingo together, plus singing is good therapy for our voices.
I copied this without permission but I wanted to share with you about her site. She is a fun loving person with Parkinson's Disease.       .
All is written and sung by Yumabev   ( Bev Ribaudo )
Her book is outstanding please order it:

 This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from or your favorite online book seller. All profits from the sale of my book will be donated to help people with Parkinson's. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day! per Bev Ribaudo.