
Friday, June 13, 2014

Is Roundup Weedkiller A Brain-Damaging Neurotoxin?

Is Roundup Weedkiller A Brain-Damaging Neurotoxin?
A new study reveals a hitherto unknown mechanism behind how the world's most popular GMO herbicide harms the brain.
Remarkably, despite Roundup® herbicide's widespread approval around the world, the most basic mechanisms through which it exerts toxicity towards non-target animal species (including humans) have yet to be adequately characterized.
Concerned about Brazil's status as the largest global consumer of pesticides since 2008, researchers sought to elucidate toxicologic effects of these agrochemicals in humans.
Their new study, published in the journal Toxicology, provides a proposed mechanism for the adverse neurological effects of Roundup® (a glyphosate-based herbicide).  It is has been observed that agrochemical exposure can lead to, or accelerate, neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. However, lacking a mechanism of action, such a link can more easily be written off as coincidental; which is largely the position of the medical establishment, agricultural industry, and its would-be regulators. The authors point out that, "neurodegenerative conditions are frequently associated with glutamatergic excitotoxicity and oxidative stress," which is why they decided to investigate the subject further.
Titled, "Mechanisms underlying the neurotoxicity induced by glyphosate-based herbicide in immature rat hippocampus: Involvement of glutamate excitotoxicity,"[i] the paper tested the neurotoxicity of Roundup® in the hippocampus of immature rats following acute exposure (30 minutes) and chronic (pregnancy and lactation) exposure.
The results found that acute exposure to Roundup® induces calcium influx into neurons (primarily, by activating NMDA receptors and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels), leading to oxidative stress and neural cell death. They also found that the herbicide affected the enzymes ERK and CaMKII, the later of which is an enzyme whose dysregulation has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.[ii] Additionally, acute exposure was observed to have the following three effects:
  1. Increase the amino acid glutamate into the junctions through which neurons communicate (synaptic cleft), which, when released in excess levels, can exert excitotoxic/neurotixc effects in neurons.
  2. Decrease the neuroprotective antioxidant glutathione.
  3. Increase 'brain rancidity,' i.e. lipoperoxidation, characterized by excitotoxicity (over-stimulation of the neurons) and oxidative damage.
The summarization of their results, looking at the effects of both acute and chronic exposure, were reported as follows:
"Taken together, these results demonstrated that Roundup® might lead to excessive extracellular glutamate levels and consequently to glutamate excitotoxicity and oxidative stress in rat hippocampus."
Roundup-induced glutamate excitotoxicity appears to share similar effects to monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame-linked excitotoxicity, and indicating that anyone either prone to, or suffering from, a brain or neurological condition involving increased oxidative stress and/or neuronal excitotoxicity (pathological or excessive nerve cell stimulation) should be even more wary to reduce exposure to this unfortunately ubiquitous environmental and food contaminant.
The authors also pointed out that their study found maternal exposure to Roundup® resulted in the offspring being exposed to the herbicide because it crosses the placental barrier during gestation and/or it is passed to them through the breast milk. They caution:
"Exposure to environmental toxicants during pregnancy and suckling periods has the potential to affect embryo and fetal development."
This is not the first time that concerns have been raised about Roundup's unique contraceptiveand birth defect causing properties.
For additional information on the adverse effects of Roundup herbicide and related glyphosate formulations, visit our database sections on the topic, which references peer-reviewed and published research from the National Library of Medicine on the chemical.
Also, dig deeper into the non-safety of GMO farming, food and environmental and health consequences, by visiting our GMO research center.

[i] Daiane Cattani, Vera Lúcia de Liz Oliveira Cavalli, Carla Elise Heinz Rieg, Juliana Tonietto Domingues, Tharine Dal-Cim, Carla Inês Tasca, Fátima Regina Mena Barreto Silva, Ariane Zamoner.MECHANISMS UNDERLYING THE NEUROTOXICITY INDUCED BY GLYPHOSATE-BASED HERBICIDE IN IMMATURE RAT HIPPOCAMPUS: INVOLVEMENT OF GLUTAMATE EXCITOTOXICITY. Toxicology. 2014 Mar 14. Epub 2014 Mar 14. PMID: 24636977
[ii] Yamauchi, Takashi (August 2005). "Neuronal Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II—discovery, progress in a quarter of a century, and perspective: implication for learning and memory".Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 28 (8): 1342–54. doi:10.1248/bpb.28.1342. PMID 16079472.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Emotional Responses to Parkinson's Disease

When you or a family member is first diagnosed with PD you will most likely go through a host of emotions. For most people, a diagnosis can feel devastating. The first concern is whether PD will interfere with the life they currently lead or plans for the future. They may imagine the future and think about whether they will be able to walk, talk, eat or take care of themselves, let alone take care of or provide for their families.  It is important to remember that everything you are feeling is normal. In fact, there are stages of adjustment to PD. Each individual may experience any or all of these typical phases and may not progress through them in any particular time or order. The stages are as follows:


  • This response may be prolonged if symptoms are mild or the correct diagnosis is not made early in the course of the disease.
  • Ironically, denial can be a useful coping mechanism if it allows one to largely ignore symptoms and go on with life as usual. 
  • However, if a person refuses to take medication, or goes to extremes seeking second opinions, it may indicate denial as an unhealthy response.


  • In this phase, people look for some direct cause for the health problems they are experiencing.
  • They become preoccupied with the why me question, while searching for something or somebody to blame for the unwanted circumstances occurring in their lives.

Role Conflict

  • This happens when patients and care partners become confused and frustrated with the daily fluctuations in symptoms, and when the need arises to reevaluate who is responsible for what tasks in the family.
  • Changing abilities and assuming new roles within the family can cause emotional upheaval. 
  • A family coping with these issues often benefits from meeting with a counselor and dealing openly with these conflicts.

Identity Change

  • In this stage, people realize that life has changed and become willing to seek out others with the same condition for education and encouragement and to take on the work of achieving their optimal level of independence.


  • In this stage, patients exert a degree of control over their illness by assuming an active role in their health care; for example, working with their doctor to choose what medications to take and in what doses.

  • Medical content reviewed by: Nina Browner, MD—Medical Director of the NPF Center of Excellence at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in North Carolina and by Fernando Pagan, MD—Medical Director of the NPF Center of Excellence at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C.

Dealing with Changes in Your Relationships

How to Improve Communication After a Parkinson’s Diagnosis

Dealing with Changes in Your Relationships

Clearly, all of us are born to connect. And, not surprisingly, our facial expressions and voice have a big impact on our ability to communicate with others. For example, having a strong, expressive voice is generally seen as a sign of power, while being soft-spoken is often equated with timidity. Consider the following scenario. A woman who was once assertive and competitive in the workplace can no longer motivate her employees with impassioned pep talks. As a result, she loses confidence in herself and believes she no longer measures up. Her performance suffers and she resigns from her position. This scenario illustrates how facial masking, or the blank-like expression due to rigid muscles, and a soft, “flat” voice can deal quite a blow to a person’s identity. Unfortunately, these symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can bring about major changes in the roles of relationships. Please bear in mind, however, that while you will likely face these challenges at some point, it is still possible to maintain meaningful, productive relationships. To do so, you will need to address the issues that affect your ability to communicate effectively with the people in your life.

Changing Roles in the Family

If you are having masking and speech issues early on, it is a good idea to plan for a time when you may need someone else to speak on your behalf. If you do not have a spouse or partner to assist you, you may have to turn to one of your children or grandchildren. It is imperative to find someone you trust, because the truth is that there are family members who will misrepresent the wishes of a loved one for whom they are caring. Helping friends understand At some point, you will need to have an honest conversation with your friends about your Parkinson’s disease. Try to maintain connections with upbeat people who understand your condition and are willing to learn more and perhaps even lend a hand when needed. But do not be surprised to learn that not everyone is willing to be in your company when your symptoms worsen. In the workplace If you have a position that requires a lot of interaction with other people, you will be under extra stress if you try to hide your disease from them. More importantly, if your speech is affected, others may think that you are drunk or on recreational drugs. If you want to learn about accommodations you can request from your employer or you believe that you are being discriminated against, you might want to consult with an attorney that specializes in disability law or go to the American with Disabilities Act website at

Singles Face Unique Challenges

Remember, when it comes to dating and building new friendships, this can be difficult for anyone, let alone for someone living with Parkinson’s disease. Body language and facial expressions are usually the first things on which we are judged. Here are some places where you might find people who will be more understanding:
  • Support groups. This is not limited to Parkinson’s groups. Many cities have groups for people with chronic illnesses.
  • Your doctor’s office. Chances are very good that the people in the waiting room can understand your battles with Parkinson’s. You can become a source of encouragement and support for others as well as receive it.
  • Your place of worship. You could find a sense of belonging and community.
  • Local Parkinson’s organizations. Attending events or volunteering will help you form tight social bonds.
  • Internet chat rooms and forums. Many single people with Parkinson’s disease have built strong friendships through virtual communities on the Internet.
  • Parkinson’s exercise classes.
Finally consider this: most likely your relationships with your loved ones will have some change... however; the change may be for good.