
Saturday, November 12, 2016

What Does Depression Feel Like?

Written by Jennifer Berry
November 12, 2016

Depression is a common mental illness that may vary from person to person.

Depression is a serious mental illness that can interfere with a person's life. It can cause long-lasting and severe feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities. It can also cause physical symptoms of pain, appetite changes, and sleep problems.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that nearly 10 percent of adults age 40-59 had depression over a 3-year study period. But despite its prevalence, depression isn't always easy to identify.

Symptoms and causes of depression can vary widely from person to person. Gender may also play an important role in why a person is affected by depression, and what it feels like to them.

How depression feels
One of the common misunderstandings about depression is that it's similar to feeling sad or down. Although many people with depression feel sadness, it feels much more severe than emotions that come and go in response to life events.
The symptoms of depression can last for months or years and can make it difficult or impossible to carry on with daily life. It can disrupt careers, relationships, and daily tasks such as self-care and housework.
Doctors will usually look for symptoms that have lasted at least 2 weeks as possible signs of depression. Depression may feel like:
  • There's no pleasure or joy in life. A person with depression may not enjoy things they once loved and may feel like nothing can make them happy.
  • Concentration or focus is impossible. Making any kind of decisions, reading, or watching television can seem taxing with depression because people can't think clearly or follow what's happening.
  • Everything feels hopeless, and there's no way to feel better. Depression may make a person feel that there's no way ever to feel good again.
  • Self-esteem is absent. People with depression may feel like they are worthless or a failure at everything. They may dwell on negative events and experiences and be unable to see positive qualities in themselves.
  • Sleeping is difficult. Falling asleep at night or staying asleep all night can feel nearly impossible for someone with depression. A person may wake up early and not be able to go back to sleep.
  • Energy levels are low to nonexistent. Some people feel like they can't get out of bed, or feel exhausted all the time even when getting enough sleep. They may feel that they are too tired to do simple daily tasks.
  • Food doesn't seem appetizing. Some people with depression feel like they don't want to eat anything, and have to force themselves to eat. This can result in weight loss.
  • Food is a comfort or coping tool. Although some people with depression don't want to eat, others can overeat and crave unhealthy or comfort foods. This can lead to weight gain.
  • Aches and pains are constant. Some people experience headaches, nausea, body aches, and other pains with depression.
Many people mistakenly believe that being depressed is a choice, or that they need to have a positive attitude. Friends and loved ones often get frustrated or don't understand why a person can't "snap out of it." They may even say that the person has nothing to be depressed about.
Depression is a real mental illness. Those who have depression cannot simply decide to stop feeling depressed. Unlike typical sadness or worry, depression feels all-consuming and hopeless.

Common causes and risk factors
Depression can be caused by a number of factors. Though a single cause cannot always be found, experts recognize the following as possible causes:
   Genetics: Depression and other mood disorders can run in families, though family history alone does not mean a person will get depression.
   Life events: Major life changes and stressful events may trigger depression. These events include divorce, the death of a loved one, job loss, or financial problems.
   Certain illnesses: Anxiety, long-term pain, diabetes, and heart disease may make someone more likely to develop depression.
   Drug and alcohol abuse: In some cases, drug and alcohol abuse may cause depression. Other times, depression may cause a person to start abusing drugs or alcohol.
   Some medications: Certain prescription medicines may increase the risk of depression. These include some high blood pressure medications, steroids, and some cancer drugs. 

Depression and women
Studies suggest that women experience depression as much as men.

Research suggests that the causes of depression may be different for women than for men.

One study of twin brothers and sisters published in The American Journal of Psychiatry found that personality and relationships with others were more likely to play a role in the onset of depression. In particular, the study stated that marital problems, the relationship with parents, and lack of social support were more likely to cause depression in women than men.
Neuroticism, or being in a negative emotional state, was also a primary cause of depression in the women studied.
A study in the Journal of Affective Disorders also found that women's symptoms of depression were different. The women studied were more likely to have panic and anxiety disorders in addition to their depression.
Other studies have indicated that women may be more likely to gain weight and have excessive sleepiness than men.
Women's hormone changes may also play a role in how and when depression affects them. Research on this hormonal link has found:
   Girls who have a family history of depression may be more likely to experience the onset of depression at puberty
   Women with depression have more severe symptoms during the premenstrual phase of their cycle, even if they are already taking antidepressants
   Postpartum depression occurs after giving birth and affects 1 in 7 women
   During the menopause transition, a woman's risk of depression increases
   Women have a two to three times greater risk of getting depression during this time, even if they never had depression in the past 

Depression and Men 

Depression may not have a single cause but there are many factors that could be linked to it.
A study in The American Journal of Psychiatry found that men were more likely than women to have depression due to the following:
  • Drug abuse 
  • Childhood sexual abuse
  • Prior history of depression
  • Major stressful life events
The study also suggested that men may be more likely to become depressed as a result of failures to achieve goals in life and low self-esteem. Financial and legal issues and career problems were found to cause depression more frequently in men than women.
The study mentions events such as losing a job and worrying about failing as a family provider as possible examples of what may trigger depression specifically in men.
Symptoms of depression in men may also be different. An analysis in JAMA Psychiatry found that men were more likely than women to experience anger attacks, aggression, and risk-taking behavior as depression symptoms.
Though it is commonly thought that women suffer from depression more frequently than men, the study suggests that men and women may both equally suffer from depression.
The differences in symptoms and what men report to their doctors may make depression harder to diagnose in men. Traditional symptoms of depression such as sadness and crying may be more frequently hidden or not reported by men. Some may feel that these symptoms go against society's idea of being a man.

When to see a doctor
Those who are experiencing symptoms of depression should seek medical assistance. Depression can worsen without treatment and affect a person's quality of life.
A family doctor or mental health professional will discuss treatment options to help the person manage their depression and carry on with daily life.
In severe cases, depression can lead to thoughts of suicide or physically harming oneself. Any suicidal thoughts or statements about "not wanting to live" should be taken seriously. In times of crisis, a person should seek help from a hospital emergency department.


November 2016

Even though Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, there are many myths and misconceptions about the condition. 

Here are the facts: Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes memory loss. The disease usually  progresses slowly, with symptoms worsening over time. In early stages of the disease, people with Alzheimer’s may have a change in personality, experience mood swings and become depressed or irritable. They withdraw and lose interest in activities and other people, including loved ones. In the later stages, the person grows less aware of their environment. Their ability to function physically decreases. Eventually, the person will require full-time care. The cause is unknown, and there is no cure.
We asked  Helena Chang Chui, MD with the  USC Memory and Aging Center  at  Keck Medicine of USC, what were the most common myths about Alzheimer's disease.
Knowing what Alzheimer’s isn’t is just as important as knowing what Alzheimer’s is. Here are the top 5 common myths about the disease: 


Most people who develop the disease do so after age 65, though no one really knows why the risk increases so dramatically with age. However, early-onset Alzheimer’s occurs in five percent of people who have the disease, and it can appear as early as age 30.


There is no cure, and Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Most people with the disease live from five-to-20 years after diagnosis, with the eight-to-10 year range the most common. In the early years, the person experiences mild memory loss, but the symptoms gradually progress to include the loss of physical and mental capacity. In late stage Alzheimer’s, people develop breathing problems that often lead to pneumonia; they can also  forget to eat or drink, which depletes the body of nutrients.


This is partially true. Researchers know that genetics play a part. But new research has uncovered a link to lifestyle choices and health conditions. Head trauma, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease are some examples that may be factors. Likewise researchers say that strategies for healthy aging like weight control and exercise may decrease chances for getting the disease.


Learning how to live with the disease is key to continuing a meaningful life. Early diagnosis and medications can help. Additionally, both caregivers and the person with Alzheimer’s should seek out support groups and learn to revise life goals and how to offer and/or accept help. In loving environments, people with the disease can participate and enjoy life many years after diagnosis.


True, but inexplicably, about twice as many women develop the disease as men. Some speculate that it’s because women live longer than men. Others believe it is linked to the lack of estrogen after menopause, an important research area at the  USC Memory and Aging Center, and but we don’t yet have the answers.

Carterton woman taking action to change perceptions around Parkinson's disease

 November 12, 2016   ILLYA MCLELLAN

Marguerite Chadwick hit the ground running after being diagnosed with Parkinson's and has been instrumental in getting a full time specialist for Wairarapa.

Marguerite Chadwick remembers having a bit of a sore throat and some difficulties doing things she normally did easily. 
Slowly something was creeping up on her but she thought maybe she was overtired and rundown. 
"I remember noticing my handwriting had gotten a bit scrawly but thought it was just me being lazy. I ended up having problems drinking water and went to a throat specialist and eventually was told to see a neurological specialist."

A Wairarapa ukulele group entertains Parkinson's Wairarapa people. Music has been a key tool in new styles of treatment.

Chadwick was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2011.
Many see it as the beginning of the end. 
But for the Carterton resident it was the beginning of a personal effort to increase services and support for those affected by Parkinson's in Wairarapa and the wider country. 
"Initially I had to get treatment in Lower Hutt which meant travelling there several times a week. I thought we needed better options in Wairarapa.
"In the end, through myself and others pushing for it, Parkinson's Wairarapa was able to convince the DHB a treatment specialist was needed at Masterton Hospital."
Through research she found other treatment options were available. Argentinian tango lessons and choir groups had been successful in New Zealand and internationally.
"Both are related to keeping people active and giving them a social outlet, which is a really key part of managing Parkinson's. The social aspect is really important as are the people who support us. 
"Nurse Jane Flowerday is a real help and it is great to have someone who really cares working with us. Also new coordinator Julia Mahony​ has been very effective in helping us push our plans through with the choir and other things."
Mahony said Chadwick's drive to improve things had been a huge boost.  
"She is amazing. Her personality is so dynamic. She decided Parkinson's was not going to hold her back and is really creative about ways to stay on the go and live well with Parkinson's."
Chadwick's infectious enthusiasm has helped to focus the organisation's efforts and they are proud to now offer help to more than 100 Wairarapa families.
"We are a self-funded organisation. t. We offer support for those directly effected by the disease and also to carers and family members as well, so any help is appreciated."
Wairarapa Parkinson's  has a givealittle page.

Second-Generation Sportscaster Joe Buck: 'I Hear My Dad More In Me Now'

November 12, 2016

Longtime St. Louis Cardinals sportscaster Jack Buck, left, celebrates Father's Day with his son Joe Buck in 1995.

Since 1996, sportscaster Joe Buck has been announcing Super Bowls, golf tournaments, bass fishing, motorcycle jumps and, of course, baseball. In fact, he did the play-by-play for seventh game of the World Series this year between the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago Cubs — a game that drew the largest audience in a generation.
But Joe Buck wasn't the first sportscaster in his family: His father, Hall of Fame announcer Jack Buck, was the longtime voice of the St. Louis Cardinals. He worked into his 70s announcing Cardinals games and Monday Night Football, all while struggling with Parkinson's disease and diabetes.
Joe Buck's new book is called Lucky Bastard: My Life, My Dad, and the Things I'm Not Allowed to Say on TV. He tells NPR's Scott Simon that he and his dad were best friends. "It wasn't as much father-son," he says, "we were buddies and I miss the hell out of him."

Interview Highlights

On what his dad, Jack Buck, was like
He was the strongest, toughest guy I knew. He was a Depression-era kid; he was in World War II; he was wounded in Germany; he came back to the States; he only went to college because there was the G.I. Bill. Dirt poor, self-made and was a genuine good man.
So when he was sick and he had diabetes and he had Parkinson's and he had a pacemaker and eventually had lung cancer and then an infection, which took his life, he didn't let anything slow him down. And if he was walking in or out of the ballpark, he'd stand there and sign autographs. And when you have severe symptoms of Parkinson's, it's not easy to do anything with your hands let alone sign a baseball. But he would do it because he felt like he owed that to anybody who wanted it.
So, you know, his line was, "Let them worry about me shaking," and "I'm not worried about it." And it was a great way to see somebody attack life and not let whatever ailments he had stop him from doing what he loved to do. And you know, of all the gifts that he gave me, that is No. 1: to plow ahead, keep on moving. Whether it was my vocal issue in 2011, going through divorce as he did — you got to pick yourself up and keep going forward. And I saw him do that. He didn't tell me it. I watched it.
On what it was like to become a sportscaster in his father's shadow
Look, the benefits far outweigh anything on the negative side, I'm smart enough to know. ... I'm lucky that I was born to these parents. I'm lucky that my dad wanted to be around me, that he took me to all these National League cities by the time I was 12.
But I think when I was a kid in St. Louis, which is a really small community, I was aware that eyes were on us and I was aware at an early age that if I screwed up I was going to be the focus; if I was in a group of who-did-what and who-was-wrong and my dad would have to pay some sort of public price for it. And then when I started, you know, I am the biggest beneficiary of nepotism that I know. I was broadcasting Cardinal baseball in the major leagues at the age of 21, and that only happened because my last name was Buck. At the time, I fought that. ...
But there's also a little bit more of a sharp knife out there, as far as critics are concerned, that you better be as good as the old man, or in some cases better, to be considered a success. And I know I do a decent enough job to keep my job, but I will forever be known to some people as Jack Buck's son. And thank God he and I were best friends or that would drive me nuts. Instead, I consider it a high compliment.
On how fans react to him rooting for both teams as a sportscaster
You know, in baseball more than football — certainly more than golf — when you do the national play-by-play it is a no-win situation. And I say that because in baseball ... all season long, 162 games, you get your local guys. And the fans know: Those two guys on the air think the way I think; they root the way I root; they're happy when my team wins; they're sad when my team loses. And when we show up, I have to be happy for both sides. And if I'm happy for both sides, fans in each city think, "Well, that means he likes that team and not mine." It's why my Twitter bio or handle or whatever it's called says, "I love every team except yours." And so it's just my tongue-in-cheek way of saying I can't win.
On losing his voice after having hair plug surgery
The deal is I had it done six times where they used a local anesthetic. And the surgeon — as I'm awake and he's basically scalping me — would listen to NPR while I sat there for six hours and he was doing this procedure. ... One day this guy comes to me, he goes, "You know, you can do this with a general anesthetic." It's like, "What?" So I did it with a general anesthetic. There was an issue during the procedure and I woke up with the laryngeal nerve not firing my left vocal cord and I couldn't talk right for almost a full year.
On his voice sounding more like his father's as he gets older
I hear my dad more in me now than I ever have. And I don't know if that's because I'm getting a little older, if it's because I went through the vocal issues I went through, but there are times where I hear highlights that I'm a part of and I think, Man, that sounds a lot like my dad. I don't remember thinking that in the mid-'90s. I think I had a little bit more pubescent voice back then and now that I've been through life and I've taken on as much secondhand smoke as I have ... I'm getting there as I get older. So when people say that, it's the greatest compliment I could be given.