
Monday, February 3, 2020

I want to Inform you of what happened to me.

I went to the hospital by ambulance on December 9th, because I had tremors of my voice box and  the flap suddenly closed. I couldn't breathe and my husband called 911. I went by ambulance and started choking again while being transported to the hospital.

Upon entering the hospital, I stopped breathing again and then went into a seizure like episode. This occurred one more time that evening.

My husband and grandchildren were there. The following day, I had 4 more episodes. My son arrived from Virginia. My husband and daughter called my movement specialist at the University of South Florida, requesting the doctor and giving the neurology department the urgent message. My family called several times, with no response. I slept quite a bit in-between having the episodes. 

My husband stayed 24 hours the entire time not knowing if I was going to live or die. My children also were afraid. Seeing me Choke (not being able to breathe  ) and then having seizure like episodes was quite scary. After that I would fall asleep.

The doctors at the hospital didn't know what to do. The seizure medicine was not working and the problems continued at that time. 

By the third day, I had 3 more episodes, of unable to breathe as well as seizure episodes. My family called my Naples, Florida Neurologist. He immediately spoke to the hospital Neurologist.I was taken off the of the seizure medicine and placed  on a medicine that relaxes the muscles and another drug helping with pain. It worked.  The tremors and choking stopped, and no more seizures.
Thank God.

On the 5th day in the hospital, they released me and placed me in their physical therapy unit. I was there until December 23, 2019.  I did many exercises, including weights, stepping , balance exercises and walking  at a fast pace.  I also completed physical therapy at my home for a month.

I recently had a camera placed down my throat and the tremors are not there since I am taking my PD medicine as well as the new medicine. I do have a bow in my voice box and I am  in the process of checking to find an LSVT Loud in my area. 

I will enroll for that, since the Doctor that performed the test recommended that therapy.  My Naples, Florida Doctor saved me. A Big Thank You goes to Dr. John Campbell   !!!!!!!!

I plan to discontinue this blog, at least for now.

I want to do more things with my family, while I able. There is a part of me, knowing it is hard to say goodbye, so I will say,  "God Bless!"