
Friday, November 6, 2015

Simple Things To Do At Home To Reduce Parkinson’s Symptoms

Parkinson’s symptoms can be difficult. Each new day brings on something new, from stiffness, to weakness, and eventually to tremors. When it becomes more difficult to perform even the most mundane tasks – buttoning a shirt, for instance – it can become frustrating.

As the medical world begins understanding more about the disease, certain things have become apparent in the overall treatment. At the top of the list is exercise. Exercise increases your flexibility and can help relieve many of the symptoms common to everyday life. Just a few stretching and flexibility exercises can help relieve stiffness and soreness, and allow you to do many of the things that were once just a part of your normal routine.
You can work with a personal trainer or fitness instructor that understands mobility issues. He or she can add common, everyday movements into a routine to help maintain your flexibility. It doesn’t have to involve weights or complex machines. Sometimes simple things can do just as much good.
Like standing next to a wall for support, and gradually stretching your arms upwards towards the ceiling. Hold that for a number of seconds. Release your arms and put your hands on the wall. Stretch out your back and your arms.
You can also sit on a chair as you lift your arms towards the ceiling, then release them down and back, stretching out your shoulders. Do only what feels comfortable and what doesn’t put your balance in jeopardy.
Tremors are a fact with Parkinson’s. To control them as much as possible, stick to a rigorous schedule when taking medicines. They are designed to help control the tremors between intakes. If you begin noticing tremors in between your dosage, talk with your doctor. It may be something as simple as upping the dosage of your medicines.
Diet also comes into play. Diets heavy in protein, for instance, can limit your body’s absorption of levodopa, which is a common medication used in the treatment of Parkinson’s. As a result, many doctors ask patients to limit their protein intake to around 12 percent of their daily calories. Many also recommend increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables, which may help protect nerve function and decrease the symptoms of the disease.
If balance and walking is at issue, certain things can quickly be improved around the home. You can work with an occupational therapist, who will help with room placement and creating a user friendly environment. Also focus in on creating a highly moveable space. Place furniture with enough space to move around easily. Install handrails in the bathrooms. Choose floor coverings wisely to avoid tripping hazards. Whenever you notice a problem, quickly find a solution to make it more livable space.
And finally, focus in on making the best of every day. When walking becomes a challenge, find ways to improve the situation. Rubber soles can easily stick to the floors as a person shuffles; choose soles that make the process easier. Practice walking in a safe place, and put more focus on your everyday movements. Each day is a new process in your journey, the safer you can make it, the more enjoyable it will be.

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