
Monday, January 25, 2016


January 24, 2016

If you’ve been wondering how to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease, now’s the perfect time to take action. April has been designated Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, when the already active Parkinson’s disease community goes into high gear in the spirit of Parkinson’s disease awareness. According to the National Parkinson’s Foundation, more than 1 million people in the United States have Parkinson’s disease, and 50,000 to 60,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Those numbers make supporting the Parkinson’s disease community even more important. Here are eight ways you can raise Parkinson’s disease awareness throughout the year:

Team Fox for Parkinson’s Awareness

Team Fox is the grassroots fund-raising network of The Michael J. Fox Foundation, an active part of the Parkinson’s disease community. The more than 1,600 worldwide members of Team Fox raise money and Parkinson’s disease awareness with creative activities such as baking, dancing, running, biking, and more. Some of Team Fox’s biggest Parkinson’s disease awareness events include the New York and Chicago marathons.

The Parkinson’s Unity Walk

This walk, started as a grassroots movement in 1994 to raise Parkinson’s disease awareness, takes place annually in New York’s Central Park (this year’s date is Saturday, April 27). The event includes a gentle 1.4-mile walk through the park, informational booths along Margot Zobel Way (named for the group’s founder), including “Ask the Doctor,” plus representatives from sponsors and the major U.S. foundations in the Parkinson’s disease community. A full 100 percent of donations raised go to Parkinson’s disease research.

Magnolia Bakery Cupcake Sale

A sweet way to celebrate Parkinson’s disease Awareness Month, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has partnered with Magnolia Bakery to create a special cupcake to raise Parkinson’s disease awareness. The cupcake will be sold in Magnolia Bakery stores in New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago as well as online, and $1.75 from each purchase will go to the Fox Foundation to fund Parkinson’s research.

The 14th Annual Parkinson Council Golf Classic

Want to know how to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease and have outdoor fun at the same time? The Parkinson Council will hold its annual Golf Classic at the Philadelphia Cricket Club on June 17. This important part of the Parkinson’s disease community in the Philadelphia area includes lunch, cocktails, dinner, awards, a live auction, and golf competitions. Contributions support local research programs and social services that provide assistance to people with Parkinson’s disease, their caregivers, and families in the Greater Philadelphia area.

The American Parkinson’s Disease Association Optimism Campaign

Local efforts are vital to raising Parkinson’s disease awareness, and to help communities around the country, the American Parkinson’s Disease Association has developed The Optimism Campaign. Through Optimism, the association provides everything you need to know about how to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease. You’ll get tools to join an existing campaign to help raise Parkinson’s disease awareness or to start your own, including online donation software, event ideas, logos, and more.

Get in Motion With The National Parkinson Foundation Moving Day

To give people a chance to speak up about Parkinson’s disease and move others to take action toward better Parkinson’s disease awareness, The National Parkinson Foundation sponsors Moving Day in cities across the United States at various times throughout the year. In addition to a walk, each event is a movement for change toward more awareness, more funding for the Parkinson’s disease community, and a better understanding of the disease.

Show Support Through the American Parkinson Disease Association E-Card Campaign

Want to find out how to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease and show your love for friends and family members at the same time? Send an e-card as part of the American Parkinson Disease Association’s e-card campaign. The e-cards are fun, easy, and free. Simply scroll through choices, click on the card you want to send, and complete the form on the next page. You can also show your support for the Parkinson’s disease community by sharing your message with your Facebook friends.

The National Parkinson Foundation Town Hall Meetings for Research Advocacy

A great way to stay aware of research in the Parkinson’s disease community is to attend one of the National Parkinson Foundation’s Town Hall Meetings. You can hear the latest developments in the foundation’s Parkinson’s Outcomes Project, its largest clinical study of the disease, and take part in the search for better treatments for Parkinson’s disease. Topics include how exercise helps people with Parkinson’s disease, advice for care partners, and the problem of depression in Parkinson’s. These free events to raise Parkinson’s disease awareness take place throughout the country.

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