
Friday, June 17, 2016

New Treatment for Neurologic Diseases Begins in Dubai


MRI of the Brain

There are many neurologic diseases that afflict patients in the Middle East- Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury- TBI, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis -MS, Peripheral Neuropathy –often from Diabetes, and many others. Difficulties can include trouble with walking, movement, speech, balance, hearing, smell, tremor and pain. Often these diseases have no treatment or very limited treatments to improve the disabilities of the patients. Now a new approach to directly treat the damaged brain and nervous tissue is available in Dubai.

MD Stem Cell is collaborator on the Neurologic Stem Cell Treatment Study (NEXT Study) which is treating Neurologic Diseases in the United States using a patient’s Stem Cells obtained from their own bone marrow. This is also called a Bone Marrow Fraction Treatment (BMFT).  Dr. Jeffrey Weiss, the Stem Cell Surgeon conducting the NEXT Study, is also on staff at the Al-Zahra Hospital and will be providing the same treatment in Dubai on September 4 and 5, 2016.  
“We are very excited to begin treating neurologic diseases in Dubai with the Bone Marrow Fraction Treatment “indicated Dr. Jeffrey Weiss. “ Based on our experience and observations in the United States, and the many reports in the medical literature, we believe that meaningful improvements in a number of different neurologic diseases can be obtained for patients using our minimally invasive approach. ”  
Dr. Jeffrey Weiss

MD Stem Cells and Dr. Jeffrey Weiss have been providing BMFT for ophthalmologic disease in the US since 2013 and in Dubai since 2015 treating hundreds of patients. So they and the staff at Al-Zahra Hospital are very familiar with the procedure to separate the Stem Cells in the BMFT. Dr. Weiss has personally observed improvements in neurologic function in patients receiving these treatments. 
There are over 600 different neurologic diseases and many will be considered eligible for the BMFT treatment. The most common are Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Peripheral Neuropathy, certain kinds of memory loss such as Multi-Infarct Dementia, certain autoimmune and post viral syndromes such as Myasthenia Gravis, certain hereditary and acquired neurologic degenerations, some Spinal Cord injuries and others. Patients will submit their most recent neurologic exam for the initial assessment.
“We will evaluate each patient record on a case by case basis,” indicates Dr. Weiss. “If there is potential for improvement with the approach we are using, the patient will be offered treatment. With our methods we can introduce stem cells and growth factors to both the brain parenchyma and to the cerebral spinal fluid, allowing movement throughout the nervous system. I have observed neurologic improvements using the Bone Marrow Fraction Treatment and I’m excited to offer this approach in Dubai.”
Patients interested in scheduling Neurologic treatment in Dubai or local physicians may contact MD Stem Cells by email- , by phone (001) 203-423-9494 or by visiting the website and using the Contact Us page. Next treatments at Al-Zahra Hospital are being scheduled for September 4 and 5, 2016. Patients must seek an evaluation as early as possible so that the treatment can be arranged ahead of time. They may also contact Jenny Anil, Clinical Affairs Manager at Al-Zahra Hospital, at for a referral.

MD Stem Cells
Dubai, UAE
(001) 203-423-9494

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