
Friday, April 28, 2017

Doctor and patient running miniMarathon together

April 28, 2017

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) -- The bond for this doctor and patient goes miles outside Norton Hospital.
"When I met  Dr. Al, he said that he was thinking about running the marathon in Louisville, and I said, ‘well how far have you run?’ and he said, ‘well so far 13 miles,’ and I looked at my wife and thought, oh boy is he in for a struggle. After that, we just, we said, ‘let’s start running together,’" said Bill Reed.
Parkinson's patient, Bill Reed, and his neurologist Dr. Mohammad Alsorogi, who Reed calls "Dr. Al" quickly became running buddies and training partners after Reed was diagnosed over 5 years ago.
"Not really training together he was more like my trainer, but it was very interesting since that time," said Dr. Mohammad Alsorogi.
If you ask Dr. Alsorogi, he has learned a lot from lifelong marathoner Bill Reed.
"Bill helped me finish, the Chicago marathon really. I don’t think I would be able to finish it without his instructions and inspiring words," said Dr. Mohammad Alsorogi. "I mean we never run out of topics when we run so we keep talking for whatever, run 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours. We keep talking which is really interesting and entertaining."
Reed and Dr. Al will run the miniMarathon together. Last year, they ran together for 8 miles, then Dr. Alsorogi ran the mini. Reed ran the full—his 50th marathon. That was his 10th since being diagnosed with Parkinson's.
"This year we are going to run the mini together and probably stop, maybe have a beer on the way, and enjoy ourselves this year," said Reed.
Reed says he knew his Parkinson's diagnosis would impact his passion of running. He is a little slower now but he loves it just as much.
"It just changed my perspective in a good way. When I used to train, I used to say, man, I've got to run a 10 miler this week. Now I say, I get to run a 10 miler this week because a lot of people are not fortunate with Parkinson's to be able to run and be able to do the things that I do," said Reed. 
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