
Monday, May 20, 2019

FoxFeed Blog:Top 2018 Team Fox Fundraisers Honored at Annual MVP Awards Dinner

Posted by  Liz Diemer,

On April 5, Team Fox members from around the globe gathered in New York City for the annual Team Fox MVP Awards Dinner. With over 400 guests in the room, the evening recognized and celebrated the individuals, teams and events that each raised over $10,000 in 2018. A cherished reunion for many, the evening was also an exciting opportunity for members, new and old, to connect with peers, mentors, The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) staff and friends.
With remarks from an array of voices including Michael J. Fox and MJFF co-founder Debi Brooks, the consistent themes of community, action and family were particularly poignant. Team Fox member Maggie Rowland Wortendyke delivered a powerful keynote speech: 
I had no idea that Parkinson's affects so many people I already knew. It wasn't until our family spoke up that others in our circle spoke up. And it wasn't until we spoke up that we met people in our community already making a difference...We [now] have a call to action: We can support existing events and create new ones. We can meet families who are facing a diagnosis of their own and help them through it. We can raise money that will get into the hands of doctors and scientists making one medical breakthrough at a time. We no longer have to wait for a cure to drop out of the sky. We get out there and do something.

It's always hard to fully capture the magic of our MVP Awards Dinner, but the following video serves to highlight the inspiration, love and support that truly thrives at the core of this unstoppable Team Fox community:
Thank you to all our Team Fox MVPs whose collective efforts in 2018 helped raised over $10 million for Parkinson's research. And congratulations to our 14 top events which each surpassed the $100,000 mark, including the New England Parkinson's Ride whose 2018 event was the first in our program's history to surpass the $1M mark in a single year.
We are grateful to the entire community of 7,500 Team Fox members whose unwavering dedication is a constant reminder of the power harnessed through optimism, community and a can-do spirit.
Inspired to join in? Find a local community event in your area, participate in an upcoming race, or register today to host your own event! As always, our Team Fox staff is eager to support your fundraising and event goals so don't hesitate to reach out to say hello:
We can't wait to hear from you. #GoTeamFox

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