
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Holt residents play moonlight tennis to raise over £2,000 for Parkinson's

July 6, 2019     By John Baker

MORE than 50 villagers, including pensioners and children, have raised funds for Parkinson's UK by playing tennis through the night.
The 24-hour Holt Moon Tennis matches were held on Friday and Saturday, June28 and 29 from 12 noon to 12 noon. So far they have raised £2,234.75 towards their £3,000 target for the charity.
Gilly Andrew, spokeswoman for Holt Moon Tennis, said: "It was a successful event with over 50 people from the community taking part including the school children and retired. It was enormous fun with people playing throughout the night.
A huge thank you to Joyce Alcock for organising the players and schedule, thank you to everyone who took part and of course all the supporters and their kind donations.
"It has been a wonderful event to do and great to be raising money for such a great cause and a charity which needs funds for research to find a cure for Parkinson's Disease."
The players included the Sky 1 youth group from St Katherine's Church led by Bea Lilley and a group from Walk in Holt led by Jayne Gibbons playing in memory of their dear friend Lucinda who recently died from Parkinson's.
They also included a group of vets from Harris, Hill & Gibbons in Trowbridge led by Jayne Gibbons.
Mrs Andrew added: "Donations are still coming in and it looks hopeful we will achieve our target."
To donate to their cause, go to:

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