Please Check With Doctor First
We come up with all kinds of reasons why our stomachs feel upset or our digestion is out of whack.
But, come to find out, it could all be a matter of improper toilet seat positioning. We take it for granted that we are just supposed to plop right down on the circular porselin commode and do our business. But you could in fact be doing it all wrong.
How do you sit down while on the toilet? Probably like this, right?
Or maybe like this when you are really tired or really trying to go. But this is actually worse than the other position
There’s another position coined the 35-degree position which is much more natural and does not cut any flow or movement off at all. This is actually the normal position in many other cultures. It is only in the West that the other style, the 90-degree position, is considered normal. Nobody knows how or why this unnatural position developed.
So what can we Westerners do, short of trying to build a whole new custom toilet? The answer is pretty simple. Just implement a stool in your bathroom as this will provide your feet with enough rise to make bowel movements become much more natural.
When you realize that this indeed could improve digestion, then you can see how huge this could be. It’s amazing how other cultures already seem to understand this, yet we have always taken it for granted that our way is the most natural way, when clearly this isn’t the case!
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