
Monday, April 18, 2016

A 53-year-old man suffering from Parkinson’s Disease is running the London Marathon to raise awareness of the debilitating illness.

April 17, 2016

Ken Wright

Ken Wright, who lives in Flitwick, was diagnosed almost three years ago and will be fundraising for Parkinson’s UK. His training routine has included the Bedford bypass run on Sunday, April 10. He said: “I thought I am not going to sit around and feel sorry for myself, I want to have a challenge. I have three grown up children, Matthew 33, Charlene 28 and Liam 26, and they have backed me 100% through my challenge.”
Ken is organising a darts competition at the Russell Park Club in Bedford on Sunday, April 17, to boost his fundraising and beat his target of £2,000 and hopes for a good crowd.

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