
Monday, April 11, 2016

An open note to Mr. Michael J. Fox

April 11, 2016

Dear Michael J Fox,

You Sir are an American Hero to many of us, fighting together to win this invasion of Parkinson's disease that has infected so many of us.

You continue to get out there and do everything humanly possible to raise money, and to urge all to participate and get involve. You have not only encouraged us, but you have done it yourself, showing us that you are our team leader in this fight to find a cure.

You started the Michael J Fox Foundation, and it has grown with so many people involved to find a cure for Parkinson's. You continued to act and this has given us hope. You have written books, been on talk shows as well as films and television. Your family has been there always to support you and this shows how remarkable you truly are.

God has given you this gift and you showed the world, to  stand -up and not be ashamed and do what is necessary to fight Parkinson's, by getting involved in clinical trials, raising money for research, and promoting parkinson's awareness.

The selfless acts that you and your family have endured year after year and continue to do for all of us with Parkinson's is nothing less than a gift.

Yes, Mr. Fox, you may be from Canada, but you are a gift to the World from God.

I for one, would like to thank you and your family.

God Bless!
Margaret Swope
Fort Myers, Florida

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