
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What will Brexit mean for you?

July 19, 2016

Parkinson's UK is currently reviewing the likely impact of the UK voting to leave the European Union on people affected by the condition.
In particular, we are working to ensure that your interests are heard in discussions that will help shape the future.
"While it's too early to understand all the implications for health and care services, we do know that your human rights, and the specific rights of people who are disabled, have not changed."
Medical research likely to be affected
Medical research, however, is an area that will undoubtedly be affected. We are therefore working closely with the Association of Medical Research Charities, of which we are a member, to find out what the positive and negative implications will be.
Our researchers across the UK are sharing with us what opportunities our withdrawal from the EU could provide and we are also looking at how we and the Government can address any concerns.
Some of the issues identified relate to funding, maintaining a collaborative approach on projects and the free movement of scientists, so that we continue our vital research.

Working together

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into how Brexit will affect research, and we will be submitting our findings to the Committee to help inform their final report.
We are also  meeting with the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industries about what changes there might be for medicines approval.

We will continue to make your voice heard

The historic vote on 23 June, about which Parkinson's UK remains neutral, will continue to impact many policy areas in ways that have yet to be identified.
Whatever happens, we will be there to ensure your voice is heard.

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