
Monday, November 21, 2016

When Your Friend Has Parkinson's Disease


Marcie Jones, GENTOG

Do you know someone living with Parkinson’s Disease? My dad is currently dealing with life at the later stages of this complex, frustrating condition. When I asked him what someone could do to brighten his day, he had this advice: 
“Come visit me. I crave company. Sitting in a chair or lying in bed all day can be pretty boring. Having someone to talk to is a welcome distraction. So come visit. 
Please understand that my body does not always respond to my brain. Sometimes I really cannot move. Be patient with me when that happens. 
If I start to not make sense, remember that sometimes my brain gets foggy. Even if I carried on a great conversation this morning, this afternoon I may not recognize where I am or remember what we’re doing. I hate this fog…please understand when it happens. 
If you’re so inclined, feel free to touch my shoulder, shake my hand, give me a hug. Being touched is something every human craves, and that need does not go away when a disease takes over. 
If we’ve been friends for years, and you knew me when I was healthy and strong, please remember that version of me. Don’t pity me…I’m trying to live proudly with Parkinson’s. Treat me like you always have. Talk to me like you used to. I’d love to hear about your most recent project, or your grandkids or your fishing trip. Help me to feel like the old me for a few minutes. That gift is priceless.” 
If someone you love is living with advanced Parkinson’s Disease, Gentog offers a safe, fun place to spend time with people who know and understand. Call us today at 503-639-2600. 
11535 SW Durham Rd #C5 
Tigard, OR 97224 

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