
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Largs couple Derek and Ruth's 500 mile challenge

March 12, 2017

For close friend Rosemary, Largs couple Derek and Ruth are set for major trek challenge

A Largs couple is living up to The Proclaimers ‘500 Miles’ tune by embarking on a special charity mission in northern Spain.

Derek and Ruth Langfield are set to walk the impressive distance to raise funds for Parkinson’s Disease along the 900 years old pilgrim’s route known as the Camino Frances that goes from St Jean Pied de Port in France to Santiago in Spain.
They were both inspired to take on the challenge after their close friend Rosemary Mackie was diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

Derek said: “Since Ruth and I retired we were determined to stay healthy and do lots of walks. I’ve had the notion of walking the Camino Frances (or French Way) for ages and when Ruth said she wanted to do it too then we just decided to go for it. 

The walk will take about 40 days and we have to carry everything we need in our backpacks so there’s loads of planning and training to do. We’ll be overnighting in basic pilgrim’s hostels along the way so it’s certainly no luxury holiday! It’s all for a great cause though so it’ll be worth it. We know the impact that Parkinson’s has on Rosemary’s life and that Parkinson’s UK is working to find a cure. We hope to raise at least £500 to support their work.”

Jan Mattison, Parkinson’s UK Regional Fundraiser – West Scotland, said: “Parkinson’s UK is delighted that Ruth and Derek are taking on this incredible challenge to support us. Their efforts are greatly appreciated and it’s only through contributions like this that Parkinson’s UK can provide local services as well as fund world-leading research into better treatments and a cure. We thank them and everyone who contributed to their fundraising.”
You can show your support for Ruth and Derek by visiting

Parkinson’s. affects 10,000 people in Scotland. The degenerative neurological condition currently has no cure. The charity’s mission is to find a cure and improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson’s through research, information, support and campaigning.

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