
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Natural Healing: A consistent routine for sleep is vital

Joseph Fraley, Guest Columnist, December 26, 2017

Dr. Joseph Fraley operates Alpha Omega Chiropractic in Ruidoso.

First, sleep is regulated by what is called the circadian rhythm. This is the natural, internal clock that is extremely important for health. The practical application is that you need to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. I cannot emphasize this enough. Consistent routine for sleep is vital. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that if you don’t sleep well, sleeping in is a good choice. If you have a rough night, you are still better if you get up at your regular time. Maintaining the internal clock by going to bed and getting up at the same time is much more valuable than sleeping in one day and throwing off that clock. It takes about three weeks of consistent routine to reset the internal clock. That means if your clock is messed up, you may get a little less sleep for a few days in order to get your brain back on schedule.
Prep yourself for sleep. Turn off all electronics at least 15 minutes before sleep time. If you have a hard time getting your mind to shut off, take a few minutes to write down what is on your mind. Writing down the thoughts running through your mind is a great way to quiet your mind. Avoid sugar for at least two hours before bed, but eat some protein as snack if you are hungry. A hot bath, sauna or jacuzzi is a great way to prep for bed, as is a short after dinner walk. Finally, take a few minutes right before bed to read something from an actual book, not an electronic device. Pick a topic that is soothing, not stimulating. Scripture, psalms, poems, devotionals and inspirational stories make great bedtime reading.
Dr. Joseph Fraley D.C. is the owner of Alpha Omega Chiropractic, 106 Alpine Village Road. Contact Fraley at 575-258-5999.

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