
Monday, September 10, 2018

Combatting Parkinson’s disease with exercise

September 10, 2018  By Anthony Byers

Exercise is an important component when living with and managing the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD). For people with PD, exercise training not only improves muscle strength and function, but it also has additional benefits in maintaining balance, mobility and, most importantly, improving the activities of daily living.

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, progressive condition that causes weakening of the motor system. Primarily caused by low or falling dopamine levels in the brain, individuals with PD experience tremors, rigidity, slowed movements and postural instability. These symptoms are typically accompanied by weakness and low muscle power and fatigue.

The benefits of exercise for those with PD have been supported by research and demonstrate that many symptoms associated with the disease can improve.
With 10,000 participants spread across five countries, The Parkinson’s Outcome Project, which was conducted by the Parkinson’s Foundation, is the largest clinical-based study. The study, which started in 2009, includes all stages of the disease, from people who are newly diagnosed to those who have been living with the disease for over 20 years.

The large number of varied participants provides a comprehensive view of the disease and its overall impact upon the lives of those individuals involved. According to the data collected in the study, participation in 2.5 hours per week of moderate to intense exercise is the sweet spot for slowing the progression of the PD and improving motor function.

How does exercise produce these visible benefits? Exercise does not affect the amount of dopamine in the brain but rather stimulates the brain to better compensate for the reduction of dopamine production.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, or a chemical messenger that carries signals between neurons and travels across a space between two adjacent brain cells called a synapse. When dopamine is released, it binds to its target cells and initiates the biological process within those cells.

Exercise has been shown to create new pathways and essential rewire the brain in a process called neuroplasticity. This enables the body to move more normally, with research showing that the earlier and better Parkinson’s disease is managed today, the better life of the individual tomorrow.

Overall, each individual’s treatment plan is different and tailored, and establishing early exercise habits is essential in the management of the disease. Any exercise program for those with PD should include the core principles of flexibility, aerobic activity and resistance/strength training.

These core principles can be accomplished through biking, walking, running or participation in such programs as tai chi, yoga, Pilates, dance aerobics, weight training and non-contact boxing. There is no “right” or “correct” exercise prescription. The exercise, type, duration and capacity are completely dependent on the symptoms and challenges being experienced by the individual.

The goal of starting an exercise program is to help maintain and improve mobility, flexibility and balance to help counter balance and ease the motor and non-motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease. While it can be intimidating starting a new or very first exercise program, some things to remember when getting started include, first, safety is key.

Before starting an exercise program, consult with your neurologist and primary care doctor about concerns and recommendations. Next, ask your doctor for any recommendations for local programs, a physical therapist, an exercise physiologist, etc. who have experience working with PD. It is important that the program is targeted at the concerns and limitations being demonstrated by the individual.

Additionally, it is imperative to choose an exercise routine that you enjoy and can add variety, too. The program should be interesting and keep an individual motivated. Overall, the key to success is beginning your journey to regular, daily physical activity.

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