
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Zoe Butchen leads Shake Your Heart Out initiative at Ridgefield High School on February 10

January 20, 2018     Written by Dance/Shake/Donate

Zoe Butchen, a senior at Ridgefield High School, is leading the Dance Shake Donate Initiative to support the Michael J. Fox Foundation in its research to cure Parkinson’s Disease.
After Zoe’s father was diagnosed with the disease a few years ago, she took it upon herself to do all that she could to contribute to this very worthy cause. She started her own charity initiative to get young people engaged in the efforts to raise awareness for Parkinson’s Disease and work to support a cure for it.
This year, students and teachers will form teams and raise money to participate in one big dance extravaganza "Shake Your Heart Out" at the high school on Saturday, February 10 from 5-8pm inside the Main Gym at Ridgefield High School.
Visit the Dance, Shake, Donate Facebook Page to learn about the event.

Interested In Sponsoring This Event?

For a contribution of $100, businesses can help this charity event and have the business name featured on the back of the event's tee shirts. The shirts will be distributed and worn by all of the participants and volunteers throughout the night.  The event is also seeking contributions of food, decorations, or accessories. Zoe has worked tirelessly to make her event possible and needs all the support she can get.
Click to become a sponsor:
If you are a member of the community who wants to support our marathon: 
For additional details or questions, please email

Indiana Parkinsons Foundation making lives better

By Kevin Thompkins  -  January 20, 2018 

Imagine discovering a tremor in your hands, finding it increasingly difficult to maintain your balance, and noticing a progressive loss of basic muscle control.

Now imagine there’s no test available to determine what’s wrong. Instead doctors have to eliminate everything else.

That’s what Parkinson’s disease sufferers go through.

Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and the most common movement disorder. It is characterized by progressive loss of muscle control, which leads to trembling of the limbs and head while at rest, stiffness, slowness, and impaired balance. As symptoms worsen, it may become difficult to walk, talk, and complete simple tasks.

The Times is partnering with The Indiana Parkinson Foundation, an organization founded by Don Waterman, a Noblesville resident who suffers from the disease. Waterman was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2008. The foundation will be writing a series of columns about the disease, including from suffers and caregivers, to promote education and awareness.

The first column appears in today’s issue of The Times.

The Waterman family created the Indiana Parkinson Foundation, a faith-based program dedicated to supporting people with Parkinson's disease. One of the innovations of the foundation was the creation of The Climb, an exercise program designed for people with Parkinson's.

Most of the movement-related symptoms of Parkinson's disease are caused by a lack of dopamine due to the loss of dopamine-producing cells. When the amount of dopamine is too low, communication between certain systems of the brain becomes ineffective, and movement becomes impaired; the greater the loss of dopamine, the worse the movement-related symptoms. Other cells in the brain also degenerate to some degree and may contribute to non-movement related symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

The foundation’s Climb exercise program has spread throughout the state. In Hamilton County it takes place 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday at Live Right Fitness Center, 14640 Herriman Blvd, Noblesville.

For more information visit

Asking the right question helps in dealing with disease

January 20, 2018 - L.J. McCulloch, Our Mental Health

Leonard J. McCulloch 

Recently, a good friend told me that life is not fair. I asked if she had figured that out all alone or had help. She wisely ignored my sarcasm and said that she feels of all the unfair things in life, Alzheimer’s disease ranks up there near the top, if not at the top, of the list.
Wow, I said, and this comes from you who has been dealing with Parkinson’s disease and cardiac comprises for a long time. Tell me more, I said.
She responded by sending me information from the Alzheimer’s Association. From this material, I learned that Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60-80 percent of dementia cases; approximately 200,000 Americans ages 65 and younger have younger-onset Alzheimer’s; that Alzheimer’s worsens over time; and, finally, that there is no cure.

I told her that the numerous ways in which Alzheimer’s steals a person’s life seem more staggering than I realized. Through no fault of one’s own, you can lose memory, judgment, knowledge of who you are and not be able to recognize your spouse or loved ones. One’s identity becomes unknown to themselves. Often, after they “lose their mind,” the physical losses set in. These can include the abilities to walk, talk, feed themselves, etc. Essentially, the Alzheimer’s person loses their life. This does not even begin to address the unfairness to their loved ones. There is a massive, profound, emotional devastation.
I responded to my friend by asking about other kinds of dementia, mental illness, trauma, brain injuries, autism, Down’s syndrome, etc. She said, “Yes, depending on the severity of loss to the afflicted and their loved ones, a case could be made that any severe neurological or associated condition could be as unfair or more unfair than Alzheimer’s or any other disorder, for that matter.”
In talking about this, we both realized that it is not the degree of unfairness of one’s affliction, but the attitude of the afflicted and the attitude of their loved ones. We agreed that the only thing worse than tragedy is an unhealthy attitude about the tragedy.
“Why me?” is often and, naturally, the early response of people who have trauma of any kind. Therapeutic healing has to begin somewhere and “Why me?” is often the starting point. But “Why me?” may never lead to an answer. So some ask: “Is this the right question?”
In the book “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” (by Harold Kushner) and Victor Frankl’s classic writing, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” remarkable suggestions are made. Essentially, they seem to point out that asking the question, “Why me?” is the wrong question. They say that the more therapeutic question is “What am I going to do now about this affliction/loss?” Or more importantly, “What are we going to do about this situation, disease, trauma, loss, etc. for ourselves and others?”
In thinking about and sharing these concepts with numerous people over four decades, people who have been diagnosed or afflicted in any way with a drastic deviation from health and wellness, I’ve yet to find anyone who disagrees. Admittedly, people may need time for mourning and grieving and therapeutic help in coming to this more adaptive question. It generally takes time and can be painful.
So, my friend and I agreed on this. It is not about what is more unfair than something else – it’s about our personal attitudes and example to others which really matters. What are we going to do with the hand of cards we are dealt? What are we going to do with the loss of health or development of illness that we encounter in life? Think about it.
This column is dedicated to the life of my sister-in-law, Linda McCulloch, and her loved ones. Linda died Jan. 6, 2018, after a two-year battle with Alzheimer’s, in the company of her loved ones.
Leonard J. McCulloch is a diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association. He is a certified brain injury specialist and is board certified in traumatic stress, mental health, addictions and social work. He can be reached for a courtesy consultation at his Farmington Hills office at 248 474-2763, ext. 222.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Saint Mary’s launches Parkinson’s Disease program

Special to NNBW    
January 19, 2018

Saint Mary's Fitness Center is launching its first 12 week Chronic Disease Management Program for individuals with Parkinson's Disease.
During the 12 week program, participants will focus on methods to help improve their quality of life through developing healthy habits, prolonging independence, improving balance, mobility and gait, in addition to reducing stiffness associated with Parkinson's disease.
The program begins March 1. Signup deadline is Monday, Feb. 19 with a physician's clearance. Cost is $109 per person.
Group meetings are scheduled for Thursdays from noon to 1:15 p.m.
The program includes a three month membership to the fitness center, -pre and –post assessments, and weekly meetings for exercise, nutrition and health coaching. .
The program is designed to establish healthy habits including nutrition and health lifestyle overall. The exercise component will expose members to all forms of exercise, including: boxing, cycling, aqua aerobics, Tai Chi, yoga and basic cardio and strength workouts.
For details, contact Cassie Goodman, Medical Exercise and Safety Supervisor at 775-770-7874 or

FoxFeed Blog: Foundation Advocates for Access to Medicare Therapy Services

By  Allyse Falce,    January 19, 2018

Because Parkinson's involves a wide range of motor and non-motor symptoms, many people living with the disease choose to work with a variety of health care providers to address their needs. A physical therapist can provide strategies to maintain or improve mobility, an occupational therapist helps patients engage in the activities of daily life, and a speech therapist can address slurring or trouble swallowing.
Many people with Parkinson's receive their health care through Medicare and rely on the program to access these therapy services. But current law places limits, or caps, on the amount of outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy a Medicare beneficiary can receive each calendar year. There is currently a combined $2,010 yearly cap for physical therapy and speech therapy, and a separate $2,010 yearly cap for occupational therapy. Once those amounts are reached, beneficiaries who require additional services in the calendar year are responsible for 100 percent of the cost.
To mitigate the impact of these caps, Congress created an exceptions process for services deemed medically necessary. This allowed Medicare to continue to pay for therapy above the cap if a provider submitted paperwork explaining that the services were needed. However, the exceptions process was temporary and expired on December 31, 2017.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is currently working with other patient advocacy groups to urge Congress to reinstate the exceptions process permanently.
On Tuesday, January 16, 30 organizations, including MJFF, ran an ad in Roll Call asking Congress to address the caps. Physical, occupational and speech therapy are essential to maintaining independence and improving quality of life for many people with Parkinson's. Access to these services should not be cut off arbitrarily.
Stay tuned to the Foundation blog for the latest updates. We're monitoring this issue in Congress and will keep the community posted as it progresses.

How your smart phone can save your life!

January 19, 2018 -  By Ikechukwu Chukwuma & Omolola Shobowale

Smartphones have cleary evolved. In this new era, a number of apps are now connected to medical health care and safety. These apps are very easy to operate and can help in a case of emergency. Here are ways your smartphone can save your life.

Share location 

Google’s new personal safety app, Trusted Contacts, is designed to help in cases of emergency. All you have to do is download the app, and then allot Trusted status to friends and family. This allows them to see your activity status. It then opens a direct line of sharing between you and your loved ones. If you feel threatened, you can share your location with your contacts and vice-versa. If there is no cause for alarm, you can deny the request. But in a case where you don’t respond after five minutes, your location will automatically be shared with your friends and family anyway. The app displays your last known location to friends and family even if your phone is offline.

Another life-saving app is MPower

It is capable of detecting and tracking the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s Disease is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. 

Parkinson’s detection 

PD is a movement disorder related to loss of dopamine- producing cells in the midbrain. Symptoms of the disease include tremor, changes in gait, slowness (bradykinesia) and rigidity. The application analyses voice patterns to detect the degenerative disease by simply speaking into the phone. Around 70-90 percent of patients experience vocal impairment following the onset of the disease. The app also features finger tapping, walking and memory games to monitor the progression of the illness

HIV testing

A dongle created by Columbia University researchers can turn any smartphone into an HIV and Syphilis tester with a tiny drop of blood. Within 15 minutes, one can get a result. The device doesn’t need a battery to work; it draws power from the Smartphone. According to the paper published by the researchers in Science Translational Medicine, the dongle performs enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect HIV antibody, treponemal-specific antibody for Syphilis, and non-treponemal antibody for active Syphilis infection.

With the apps, Doctor Mole and SkinVision, one can easily detect skin cancer using their Smartphone. They let you take photos of the skin then proceed to analyse the symmetry, regularity of borders and colour to see if there is significant change.

Skin care

The app will flag any changes and also flag any moles that might need further examination by a dermatologist. 

A company named AliveCor launched a Smartphone case that doubles as an electrocardiogram (ECG) so you can keep track of your heart activity through your fingertips. Users simply rest their fingers on the case and the electrical impulses are turned into ultrasound signals and transmitted to the phone’s microphone. Then an algorithm can analyse the heart patterns and identify if there is a risk of stroke or cardiac arrest, even before symptoms reveal themselves.

Eye cancer 

An eye cancer called Retinoblastoma can easily be detected using a Smartphone camera. This cancer grows quickly, but if detected early, can save the life of the child and possibly prevent eye removal. It is very easy to detect using a Smartphone camera. All that needs to be done is take a photo of the eye using a flash. If one of the pupils appears white instead of black similar to the eye of a cat, reflecting light, it could be an indicator of an eye tumour. If it keeps on happening in photos, it’s best to go and see an ophthalmologist. 

Suicide prevention
A Friend Asks is a free app by the suicide prevention group, Jason Foundation, that aims at teaching its users how to recognise the signs that someone close to them, such as a friend or family member, may be thinking of committing suicide and how to reach out to them. It provides users with a list of common warning signs of suicide ideation, as well as do’s and don’ts for such a sensitive situation.

Security alert

With Lifeline Response app, users are asked to put a thumb on the smartphone screen feeling threatened. If the thumb leaves the phone’s screen during an attack, an ear-piercing sound is emitted from the phone and a message goes to authorities who are ready to help. The app can also be used to tag suspicious activities in neighbourhoods and alert others nearby. 


The Save Me Pro app developed by 12-year- old Dylan Puccetti of Galveston could save a life. It allows users send out emergency alert to a pre-arranged list of contacts simply by hitting the power button eight times.

Know Your Medicine: THCV

January 19, 2018 -BY 

As access to cannabis widens and research into the medicinal effects of its compounds expands, we’re learning there’s much more to the cannabis plant than THC and CBD. One of the most interesting cannabinoids in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV. Preliminary studies show promising therapeutic effects for different ailments including diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. 
THCV results from a different chemical pathway than THC. Geranyl pyrophosphate joins with divarinolic acid to make cannabigerovarin acid (CBGVA), which changes to tetrahydrocannabivarin carboxylic acid (THCVA) when exposed to the enzyme THCV. When THCVA is heated, it decarboxylates to THCV.

Like other cannabinoids, THCV has biphasic effects, meaning it has differing effects on the body at different doses and blood concentration levels. At low doses, THCV is a neutral antagonist of the CB1 receptor, binding to the receptor without causing any effects; however, at this low dose, it blocks other compounds (like THC) from binding to the receptor. THCV is also a CB2 agonist, binding to this receptor — which is mostly located in the immune system and gut — giving anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.  
Research shows at higher doses, THCV has the opposite effect at the CB1 receptor, binding to it and activating it, which expectedly should cause some psychoactivity. Interestingly, participants in a study who received THCV were unable to distinguish it from a placebo as they felt no intoxicating effects. In the same study, the subjects reported that when they were given both THC and THCV together, the effects of THC were weaker or less intense.  
THCV is being investigated as an “anti-obesity and anti-type-2-diabetes” agent as it improved glucose intolerance and increased insulin sensitivity in obese mice. Additionally, the cannabinoid was shown to be a neuroprotective agent and relieved symptoms in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease.  
Another animal study demonstrated that THCV may have potent anti-nausea effects.
Anecdotally, patients who have tried THCV-rich strains report appetite suppression, less anxiety, fewer tremors, and pain relief. These strains are often recommended to those suffering PTSD who want help decreasing anxiety without becoming intoxicated.  
THCV is a secondary cannabinoid (THC and CBD being the primary cannabinoids) and most cannabis plants contain very small amounts.  However, there are a number of strains that have, on analytical testing, shown to contain physiologically significant levels of THCV. These strains include Black Beauty, Doug’s Varin, Durbin Poison, and Malawi Gold.
Englund, Amir, et al. “The effect of five day dosing with THCV on THC-induced cognitive, psychological and physiological effects in healthy male human volunteers: A placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover pilot trial.” Journal of Psychopharmacology 30.2 (2016): 140-151.

Garcia, C., et al. “Symptom‐relieving and neuroprotective effects of the phytocannabinoid Δ9‐THCV in animal models of Parkinson’s disease.” British journal of pharmacology 163.7 (2011): 1495-1506.
Pertwee, Roger Guy, et al. “The psychoactive plant cannabinoid, Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol, is antagonized by Δ8‐and Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabivarin in mice in vivo.” British journal of pharmacology 150.5 (2007): 586-594.
Rock, Erin M., et al. “Evaluation of the potential of the phytocannabinoids, cannabidivarin (CBDV) and Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), to produce CB1 receptor inverse agonism symptoms of nausea in rats.” British journal of pharmacology 170.3 (2013): 671-678.
Wargent, E. T., et al. “The cannabinoid Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) ameliorates insulin sensitivity in two mouse models of obesity.” Nutrition & diabetes 3.5 (2013): e68.

New Parkinson’s disease support group to start

 JANUARY 19, 2018 

LOWVILLE — A new support group for patients with Parkinson’s disease is starting in January at Lewis County General Hospital. 
Community member Sylvia Woodhouse is organizing the effort for individuals with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers. Those who received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, have been living with it for a short time or have been managing the disease for many years, are welcome to attend this group. 
The first informational meeting will be held from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25, in the John C. Herrman MD Conference Room of the LCGH Medical Arts Building, 7785 N. State St., on the main campus.
Ms. Woodhouse is a long-time resident of Lewis County and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1997. “The support group will provide an opportunity for Parkinson’s patients and caregivers to connect with others in the same situation and expand their knowledge of the disease,” she stated. “We will also have tips and health information from area experts.”
There is no cost to attend. 
For more information, contact Ms. Woodhouse at 315-376-6280.

Exercise class for those with Parkinson’s disease helping former UMass prof keep energized, upbeat

January 19, 2018 -By JOSHUA SOLOMON

Bill Rowell stands for a portrait at his home in Hadley on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2018. RECORDER STAFF/DAN LITTLE 

He showed off the White House stationary, signed by Gerald Ford, some 40 years prior to his diagnosis. The president had thanked him and his classmates for his performance. 
Hanging on the walls was a career framed between watershed moments. There was the photo from the 1930s of his father, who was one of the greatest teachers he ever had. There was the photo of himself in his West Point uniform, instrument in hand. There were his students, who had gone on to lead some of the top bands in the country, playing in Washington, D.C., and around the world. 
In 2014, a dozen years after retiring as director of bands, emeritus, professor of music at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Malcolm “Bill” Rowell was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. 
“It’s not unlike cancer, really, once you hear you have Parkinson’s,” Rowell said, reflecting on the disease in his Hadley home, four years later. “It’s pretty definitive. There’s no escaping that.”
A distinguished individual all throughout his career, he toiled with what this was going to mean for him at 71 years old at the time. 
“What I was doing is not separate from who I am. The thought of not being able to conduct and teach ... What will other people think of me when my arms start quivering and my lips start shaking,” Rowell said. “I had to come to grips with all of those things.” 
In that first year of diagnosis, Rowell worked through these thoughts and as he came to grips with some form of a changing reality. 
“I struggled with that at first because I spent my whole career being around young people — young thought processes, young energy — and suddenly, I’m around ‘ancient’ people, who are not well and their bodies do funny things,” Rowell said. “I wasn’t ready to be one of those people.” 
Soon, though, his wife happened to find an advertisement in the newspaper for an exercise class for those with Parkinson’s, run by regional physical therapist Debra Ellis.
“In comes Deb’s class and these exercises are going to help me stay young and active,” Rowell said. “I never felt that anything I was doing was not benefiting me, but, in fact, my wife can tell you I come home many times energized.” 
Rowell, seemingly always amiable, waxed on a story that he had already shared with Ellis before my arrival.
“I had a stress test the other day for a heart issue now. When I finished the stress test, two of the three nurses said to me, ‘You’re amazing,’” he said, with a big smile. “Well, if it weren’t for her class, and these satellites programs and pilates I do once a week, that’s what helped me to achieve in the stress test.” 
“The next day I power walked the length of this street, and there’s a pretty good hill at the end of this street, and I wouldn’t even have thought of doing that before,” he continued. “But that stress test taught me I could do that and there’s still more where that came from. Attitude plays into this thing in a huge way.”
Staying ‘young and active’ 
Ellis’ class is an evidence-based group exercise program, designed out of the Boston University Center for Neurorehabilitation, and grant-funded by the American Parkinson Disease Association. The goal of it, as Rowell put it, is to help you stay “young and active.” For the first time since 2012, Ellis, based in Hampshire County typically, will be running this six-week, twice-a-week program out of the YMCA in Greenfield starting Feb. 7. 
Rowell ended up participating in two iterations of Ellis’ class, before going onto participate in other programs and satellite versions of Ellis’ program, run by trained assistants. 
“Part of the whole idea is to teach people the different categories of exercise they need to focus on,” Ellis said. “They need certain amounts of rigorous aerobic exercises.” 
It’s the teaching and the way she articulates herself that Rowell found most helpful while taking her classes, as a way to give himself the confidence he needed to take ownership of Parkinson’s. 
“I would always hear her say, ‘Swing that arm, Bill. Swing that arm!’” Rowell said. “She was speaking to a room full of clients: What we’re dealing with here is not optional. This needs to be customary habits of the rest of your life. Those are strong statements.” 
“I’m a little pushy,” Ellis noted. 
“That’s the beauty of it,” Rowell quickly replied. 
In addition to Ellis’ work, which Rowell described as, “some people are teachers, Deb Ellis is an artist,” he said that a major piece of what has picked up his mentality is the people he met in the class. They would go on to other classes and conferences together, learning more about the disease. 
“I have a lot of clients who will talk to me about the gift of Parkinson’s Disease,” Ellis said, adding she realizes that most people would not look at it in that light. 
“That community cares for one another,” Rowell responded. “It becomes obvious. It manifests itself in attendance.” 
While Rowell engages in a new community for him, he still finds solace in music. Ellis said the classes she taught with him in it, he was always the person to watch to grab the rhythm of the song. And a lifelong teacher, he still takes pride in helping out the next generation and taking pride in their work moving forward. 
“I’m not as active as I was, but I’m still a force. I still do conduct clinics,” Rowell said. “I’m doing more writing now. Not music writing. But my career, my findings, things I believe in. Documenting my career.” 
‘One must remain 
an opportunist’

Rowell has been thinking a lot about his career these days, along with focusing on his goals, centered around his family and grandchildren. 
“As time went on, I realized I wasn’t going to die today, I wasn’t going to be worse off tomorrow, but there are things that I can do today and tomorrow to make it more realistic for me to be around in good health for when my grandchildren do graduate from high school and that’s what I needed to focus on,” Rowell said. “I guess what I’m saying is, one must remain an opportunist, in whatever you are choosing to pursue. I’m also at an age at this point that I know I’m someplace on the mountain and there’s going to be less days on this side of the mountain than there were on that side. That’s the reality.” 
He continued: “I’m involved with the men’s group at church. We happened to meet this morning. The wisdom that I benefit from at those morning coffees and breakfast is incredible, once you get past the fact that they’re talking about dying. I’m not ready to talk about dying, I just retired. But as I listen more carefully, it wasn’t just about dying, and these were pretty astute people, which taught me that I had more to learn. I’m not ready to let go of that.” 
Parkinson’s Class at the 
YMCA in Greenfield 

For those interested in taking Debra Ellis’ six-week exercise program for those with Parkinson’s Disease, they can contact her at 413-695-6069 or at for more information. For more information on the program, people can visit, 
The class will begin at the YMCA in Greenfield Feb. 7, and run Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. It costs $239 for members of the Y and $249 for nonmembers, but financial aid is available for this grant-funded class, supported by the Massachusetts chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association.

Parkinson’s Foundation Enrolls 10,000th Patient in Largest Clinical Trial of the Disease Ever


The Parkinson’s Foundation has enrolled the 10,000th patient in the largest clinical trial of the disease yet to be conducted.
Among the critical discoveries so far, the research has shown that regular visits to neurologists, more exercise, and more attention to mental health could help improve patients’ wellbeing.
The Parkinson’s Outcomes Project is evaluating a broad range of factors associated with the disease, including medications, treatments, movement symptoms, cognition, anxiety and depression, and the disorder’s burden on caregivers.
Launched in 2009, the project has become a comprehensive platform for studying the lives of Parkinson’s patients. And it has led to the formation of a consortium of 29 experts in five countries.
The study includes over 100 people who have lived with Parkinson’s for more than 30 years and 83 who learned about their diagnosis before they were 30 years old. Its records include 25,000 visits to doctors and information from almost 9,000 caregivers.
Key conclusions drawn from the study include:
Regular visits to neurologists should be a priority for patients and caregivers because it could save thousands of lives a year.
Recent research has listed regular visits to a neurologist as an important step in Parkinson’s management. However, in a 2011 study, only 58 percent of 138,000 Parkinson’s-related difficulties led to neurologist care. Race was a significant demographic predictor of neurologist treatment, with non-whites being less likely to receive care.
Doctors should give patients’ physical activity more attention because studies have shown that increasing exercise and movement to at least 2 1/2 hours a week can slow the decline in patients’ quality of life.
Researchers have found that, in Parkinson’s, it’s not the type of exercise a patient engages in, but the frequency of the workout that’s important. Physical therapists recommend exercises whose goals include improving balance and coordination, flexibility, endurance, and strength.
Patient’s mental health should be a priority because researchers have found that depression and anxiety are leading factors in patients’ overall health.
Depression is one of the most common non-movement symptoms of the disease, with up to 60 percent of patients affected at one time or another.
Finally, doctors should do a better job of addressing gender differences between patients. A key reason is that many men can rely on wives and other family members for daily support and doctor visits. Women are less likely to have family caregiver support and be more frequent users of formal, paid caregiver services.
This discovery is supported by recent findings that confirm these gender disparities, such as a study in Neurology in 2017.
“We have obtained a wealth of information in what now represents the broadest and most inclusive patient population ever assembled in a clinical study of Parkinson’s,” Peter Schmidt, the senior vice president of the Parkinson’s Foundation, said in a press release. He has been directing the study.
“This project is truly innovative in that it not only follows thousands of patients over time, but that it studies everyone with Parkinson’s, from the newly diagnosed to people who have lived with the disease for 30 years or more,” added Thomas Davis, the study’s co-chair.
Researchers have been using the Parkinson’s Foundation’s Centers of Excellence network of 42 medical centers to enroll patients in the study.
In addition, “we are studying the quality of Parkinson’s care delivered at our Centers of Excellence to help patients who aren’t being seen at one,” said Fernando Cubillos, who oversees the study’s operations. “Our goal is to help identify the best care and disseminate that information widely.”

Visiting with friends and family is healthy for all

January 19, 2018 -  By Ann Miner 

Friends and family gathering

Did you hear the one about the three Parkinson’s peeps who had weekend getaways? One went to the ocean with their family, one went to the mountains with their caregiver, and one went to a neighboring town to visit friends. In each case, the patients, families and caregivers returned home refreshed. What’s the punchline? Short getaways can give you more quality of life. But you know that.
It is especially helpful to the patient — and the caregiver — to socialize. Invite people over or go visit them. Play Uno or Pinochle or Mexican Train. Just enjoy yourself with others. My Burt always perked up when a friend visited. And so did I.
Some of the following information comes from the American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA), and the web.
What is atypical Parkinson’s disease?
Parkinsonism is a term that describes a group of symptoms, including resting tremor, stiffness and slowness. This group of symptoms reflects a problem with a part of the brain called the basal ganglia. Parkinsonism can be caused by many different diseases — the most common of which is Parkinson’s disease. However, there are other diseases that can also lead to parkinsonism.
Since these diseases mimic Parkinson’s disease, they are referred to as atypical Parkinson’s disease. Usually, this designation refers to other neuro-degenerative diseases, Sometimes, atypical Parkinson’s disease can refer to non-degenerative causes of parkinsonism, such as multiple strokes.
As a rule, dopamine replacement therapy (e.g., Sinemet) does not work as well for the causes of atypical Parkinson’s disease compared to “typical” Parkinson’s. Also, depending upon the specific cause, atypical Parkinson’s disease leads to unique problems (e.g. low blood pressure, myoclonus) that are uncommon in those with typical Parkinson’s, and require different treatments, according to Oren Levy, MD; Division of Movement Disorders, Department of Neurology, Columbia University School of Medicine.
Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person’s muscles contract uncontrollably. The contraction causes the affected body part to twist involuntarily, resulting in repetitive movements or abnormal postures. Dystonia can affect one muscle, a muscle group or the entire body.
Dyskinesia is a difficulty or distortion in performing voluntary movements, which often occurs as a side effect of long-term therapy with levodopa, and from prolonged use of certain anti-psychotics.
Dystonia vs. Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s Disease
Dystonia is a prolonged contraction in a particular muscle or increased muscle tone that results in abnormal posturing or a muscle spasm ... Dyskinesia, on the other hand, is more like a rhythmic contraction of large muscle groups, often described as a rolling or writhing motion.
Parkinson’s vs. Essential Tremor
Essential tremor causes involuntary tremors when performing a task. Patients with essential tremor generally do not “shake” when they are at rest.
Parkinson’s patients do not always have tremors. However, if tremors exist, they are resting tremors. When a PD patient performs a task, the tremors generally stop. That is why it can be important to choose daily activities that one enjoys. Singing, playing an instrument, marching to the beat of music, dancing and so on. These actions can be fun, as well as therapeutic. Don’t worry about your skills for doing them, just do them.
Be kind to each other and to yourselves, and keep looking up!

How to stop racing thoughts


Racing thoughts are a stream of thoughts that come quickly, one after the other. They may be about one subject or many different unrelated things. Racing thoughts have the power to completely take over a person's mind, leaving them unable to focus on anything else.
Racing thoughts rapidly move in a sequence, often ending in a worst-case scenario. Some people may hear them as a voice that they cannot ignore, but they may merely be subtle, background noise in the brain.
There is no single cause of racing thoughts. They can be triggered by high stress, lack of sleep, medications, and some medical conditions. Fortunately, treating underlying health conditions or coping techniques can be effective in reducing or calming them.
Fast facts on racing thoughts:
  • People who do not have a mental health condition can have racing thoughts.
  • Several mental health conditions can make a person more prone to racing thoughts.
  • Once the cause has been identified, a person can receive the treatment they need.

What causes racing thoughts?

Mental health conditions causing racing thoughts may include:
When not caused by an underlying health condition, racing thoughts are more likely to happen during times of high stress. Severe lack of sleep and certain medications may also increase the risk of racing thoughts.

Seven ways to stop racing thoughts

There are ways to control racing thoughts and reduce their occurrence. It may take time and practice to master these strategies, but they can be useful for managing racing thoughts at any time.

1. Focus on now, not the future or the past

For some people, racing thoughts stem from something that has not happened and may never happen. Other people focus on things that happened in the past, which cannot be changed.
People who experience racing thoughts should take every effort to think about what is happening right now. Saying to themselves:,"I won't worry about the past or the future, I'll focus on what I can control," is a good place to start.

2. Take deep breaths

The body's natural panic response is to speed up the heart and breathing rate. This may happen when the mind begins racing. Slower, deep breaths can reduce the body's stress response and promote a feeling of calm, helping to quiet or stop racing thoughts.
Deep breathing can be done anytime, without any particular training. Just breathing in for 3 seconds and out for 5 to 10 seconds is a simple way to accomplish this.

3. Think about other options

Because racing thoughts often end up in a worst-case scenario, it can be easy to get wrapped up in disaster. This can lead to a vicious cycle of more anxiety and continued racing thoughts. A person whose mind is racing may wish to tell themselves that this worst-case scenario is not going to happen.
They can think about other, more desirable options that are more likely to occur. Instead of, "I'll get fired for that mistake," change the thought to, "Everyone makes mistakes, and I'll do what I can to make it right."

4. Use mantras

Mantras are simple words or phrases that people can repeat to calm the mind. They can be particularly useful in times of panic and racing thoughts. Phrases such as, "I can get through this," or "It will be okay," can be helpful.
Mantras allow the mind to focus on one simple thought that is positive or encouraging. This turns the mind away from its racing thoughts.

5. Try distractions

A favorite hobby, especially one that is calming, can quiet the mind and help a person focus on something other than racing thoughts.
Coloring books are a popular option for reducing stress and offer a calming distraction. Painting, gardening, cooking, or playing an instrument are other possibilities.

6. Exercise

Regular physical activity improves mental well-being and may be helpful during an episode of racing thoughts.
Numerous studies have shown that exercise can have mood-boosting power.
A study in Behavior Therapy says exercise improves symptoms of depression, while a study in the Journal of Sport Behavior found that just 15 minutes of exercise improved mood in college students.
If a person feels racing thoughts developing, walking, jogging, or similar activities may help to settle the mind.

7. Inhale lavender essential oil

Lavender has a reputation for being calming, and some research backs up this claim.
A study published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand found that inhaling lavender essential oil can calm the mind and quiet brain activity.

Medical care to control racing thoughts

Because many mental health conditions can cause racing thoughts, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of any issues.
Anyone who experiences repeated episodes of racing thoughts, signs of ongoing depression, anxiety, ADHD, sleep problems, or other mental health issues should talk to a doctor.
There is no single treatment for racing thoughts, but some options include:
  • Prescription medication, therapy, or both for a diagnosed mental health condition.
  • Sleep study, medications, or lifestyle changes for sleep problems.
  • Medication or surgery for people with hyperthyroidism.
  • Counseling, therapy, or other treatment for amphetamine addiction.
  • Changing medication or dosage if a particular medicine is causing racing thoughts.
Calming the mind with diet changes
Eating the right foods could improve overall mental well-being and help reduce racing thoughts and mood disorders. Many studies have been carried out on the link between food and mental health, and the following diet changes may be helpful:

Eat low-glycemic foods

Low-glycemic foods are usually low in sugar and high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They help stabilize blood sugar levels and may help improve mental health. Good examples include lean meats, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains.
High-glycemic foods, on the other hand, cause a rapid rise (and subsequent crash) in blood sugar. High-glycemic foods include high-sugar, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods. These types of foods may make mental health conditions worse and should be avoided.
An article in Case Reports in Psychiatry suggests that high-glycemic foods play a role in symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can trigger racing thoughts.

Focus on foods high in antioxidants

Most fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of antioxidants, which help fight oxidative stress (cell damage) in the body. An article in Current Neuropharmacology suggests that oxidative damage could play a role in depression and anxiety.
As such, healthcare professionals recommend antioxidants as one possible way to help control symptoms of these mental health conditions. High-antioxidant foods include berries, beans, nuts, citrus fruits, and apples.

Get a daily dose of magnesium

Foods high in magnesium may have a calming effect, and deficiency in this mineral could lead to anxiety, according to an article in Neuropharmacology. Good sources of magnesium include spinach, almonds, quinoa, tofu, and black beans.


Though racing thoughts may be a reaction to a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one, they can also be a sign of an underlying health condition. Most of these health conditions require the guidance of a doctor or mental health professional for ongoing management.
Regular checkups with a doctor, including a discussion of a person's mental wellness, are essential to help prevent and treat problems that can lead to racing thoughts. Finding the cause of the racing thoughts is the best way to preserve a person's mental well-being and to avoid these unsettling or frightening episodes.